Creative Writing Coach

How do you know you’re ready to start writing? When your stories wake you up at night.

Individual Coaching from ideation to completion: Personal Narrative, Common App Essays, Memoir, Travel Writing, Stories, Science Fiction

Virtual Writing Course

BEGINS APRIL 4- Fridays on Zoom

After choosing your story, the next step is to write it in a captivating way. What to put in? What to leave out? How to structure scenes so they build to a climax? Explore the craft of writing memorable stories. Practice. Learn.

Unleash your creative genius in our safe, guided, virtual space for beginning + intermediate writers.

Craft talks, delicious prompts, writing time, encouraging feedback, ‘office hours’ with Coach Victoria Reeves and publication in our Story Craft Anthology - this 4 wk class has it all!

Business Writing Coach

Your career trajectory is unique. Conveying your journey and connecting the dots can be hard.

Lazer sharp individual coaching on business docs: Resume, Cover Letter, LinkedIn, Proposals, Web Content, About, Meet the Team and more

Communication Coach

Whether communicating in person or on a Zoom call - clarity and confidence are necessary.

Specialized coaching for native + second language speakers on all aspects of communication for presentations, interviews, dissertations, small talk.