Flaky Dreamers
I am tired of being told how flaky Creatives are. How we need to get with the program, do something with our lives and get ‘serious’ about reality. How we need to account for ourselves, our time and our very existence on this earth.
Fuck that.
Yup, I’m angry. After a lifetime of being laughed at, belittled, dismissed, eye-rolled, or smiled at condescendingly for my ‘eccentricities’ and ‘out there’ way of being: I am coming out as a CREATIVE.
Yeah baby! Creativity is what I study, practice and teach about every day of my life. It’s THAT IMPORTANT to me (and the world). No apologies.
Here’s the point. We need to value Creativity.
Creativity is the unlimited SOURCE that makes all things possible.
A Creative’s ‘subconscious ramblings’ inspired that book or film that capitvated you. Generative ideas gave birth to your favorite song, your clothes, your computer, and the chair you’re sitting on. For real. Let’s get THAT granular.
Thoughts become things. EVERYTHING starts as an idea.
Think about it. Creations are all around us. They started out as precious inklings that were listened to, cultivated, honored and respected. Nurtured in conducive environments, couragous innovators went on to create, design, compose and give birth to ground-breaking objects (products) and experiences (services, classes, music, films, web content). We may not notice these sacred offerings; we may take them for granted, but these valuable tent-poles sustain us.
These diamonds give us hope, asuage our fears, connect across difference.
Creatives helped us get through the Pandemic. Netflix doesn’t just ‘happen’. Screenwriters, editors, set designers, producers, actors, musicians, copywriters, photographers, clothing designers. Think about the inspiration, passion and technical skills that contribute to making one movie.
Creatives have been producing virtual storytelling shows, concerts, conventions, courses. Moments of synchronicity and joy. Powerful, healing gifts that will lead us forward into the great unknown of magical possibility.
Nothing ‘flaky’ about that.
#audacity #courage #flow #voice #brave #vulnerable #risk #celebrate #create