Filling the Well

I’m what’s called a Mulipotentialite: Writer, Artist, Storyteller, Producer, Coach. Aka a Creative.

Vascillating between different forms of expression. (Hopefully) modeling the audacity of hope.

Sometimes living this life is an honor. Sharing my art feels like a conversation with the Universe.

Magical days when a new client says, “Victoria! I channeled you! This is perfect!”

These are the days I live for. They fuel me to continue doing The Work.


I wish every day was like this, but the Universe has other plans. Duality reigns. OG Yin to the yang.

Real talk - some days nothing works. Nobody hearts my ‘prolific’ FB post. I have no registrations for my writing class that starts in 3 days. Transcending my fear, I cold-call potential clients and referrals. Connect and see if they’d like to take a writing class, work privately or just check in.

Other days I hear variations on this theme: “I’d like to work with you but I’m too tired, busy, distracted to add ‘yet another thing’. People have lives. Creative pursuits often get put on the back burner.

I get it. But, like a deflated balloon, I contract. Hearing lots of ‘NO’s’ is hard on the old self esteem. My subconscious Dream Crushers scream: “What are you doing with your lifel?!”

Doubt loops echo - like a scratch in a record. Netflix beckons.

On these days, words like purpose, vision or path seem ridiculous. Pie in the sky. Silly. Esoteric.


But here’s the deal. I’m a self-employed Creative Entrepreneur. Have been for 20+ years. No sick days or vacation days. No time off. I can’t phone it in. Need to keep my energy moving, my online presence fresh, my offerings current. Stay educated and relevant and interesting. Besides, I LOVE WHAT I DO. I want to come at it from a place of generosity and joy. To have faith in what I bring to the world.

So what do I do?

Return to ritual. Pour boiling water into glass french press, prep a decaf with whole milk. Read affirmation above my desk: “My inspired tribe assembles easily and effortlessly.” YES. I just need to show up.

Answer the emails, schedule the calls, post more affirmations, write that story, and 'act as if’.

It’s all about FILLING the WELL. Trusting the process. Maintaining momentum.

Here’s what I’ve learned: no matter what art forms you pursue (for money, love or both) your break-through will never happen if you don’t show up. Finding your path is an ongoing process. Synchronicities can only occur when you show up to the page, the stage, the conversation or the invitation.


Rainy or Sunny.

Expansive or Contracted.

Busy or Relaxed.

Inspired or Deflated

Supported or Ignored.

Feelings are but variations on a theme. Change is the only constant. Forget external feedback . Focus on discovering who you are, what you cherish, why you are here. Then keep pursuing your Dream.

FACT: As you focus on seeing and loving yourself more, others will see and love you too. Really.

Simply, give yourself time to expand. Allow yourself to be whoever you are meant to be. Focus on the long game. Keep trying. Revel in the grey area of not knowing. Trust me, magic awaits in those waters.


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